Vol 72 No 3 (2016)
Experimental and clinical medicine

Theoretical and Experimental Medicine

V.S. Aidarova, O.V. Kudokotseva, I.I. Lomakin, G.A. Babiychuk G.A. Babiychuk
Comparative characteristics of some hemorheological indices in normo- and hypertensive rats
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A.V. Burcev
Influence of the selenium-asset on the acid resistance of erythrocytes, which were under the action of toluene in vitro
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V.V. Hnatiuk, N.N. Kononenko, G.A. Bozhok
The study of number of melatonin-positive-labeled cells in rats of different age and sex with gastric ulcer
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G.I. Gubina-Vakulyck, E.V. Gancheva
Morphological features of the placenta against the backdrop of pyelonephritis
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B.I. Gushilik
Formation of resistance in salmonella enteritidis to new antimicrobial compositions for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases bacterial origin
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E.A. Duchenko, V.I. Kornienko
Furoxan influence upon rats’ kidneys functional state under spontaneous diuresis
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V.E. Eschenko
Research of mitochondrion in Kharkiv State Medical University
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A.L. Melnik
Antimicrobial properties and prospects of application in stomatology a new drug based on humulus lupulus l extract
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A.M. Chernyakova, V.V. Minuкhin
Etiological structure and sensitivity to antibiotics main causative agents of infectious complications in patients with burns
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General surgery

R.M. Mykhaylusov, V.V. Negoduyko , Yu.V. Prikhodko
New approaches to the modeling of the mine-explosive fragmentation gunshot wounds.
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