Clinical peculiarities of patients with schizophrenia and different levels of medication compliance
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paranoid schizophrenia
continuous, episodic and remitting course
medication compliance
factors of formation

How to Cite

Zakal, K. (2020). Clinical peculiarities of patients with schizophrenia and different levels of medication compliance. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 72(3), 108-112. Retrieved from


In the article results of a comparative analysis of clinical-psychopathological peculiarities are presented for patients with a good and poor medication compliance in continuous, episodic, and remitting courses of paranoid schizophrenia. In was determined that the main role in formation of a poor medication compliance in a continuous course of paranoid schizophrenia belonged to manifested negative symptoms, whereas in episodic and remitting courses this role belonged to manifested productive symptoms.
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