Modern research methods in the early diagnosis and surgical treatment of paratruncal meningiomas
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paratruncal meningioma
spiral computed tomography
magnetic resonance tomography

How to Cite

Sipitiy, V., Pagalov, S., Chmut, V., Kutovoy, I., Kutsyn, V., Storchak, O., & Genkin, A. (2020). Modern research methods in the early diagnosis and surgical treatment of paratruncal meningiomas. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 120-126. Retrieved from


On the basis of application of modern methods of neuroimaging of CT, MRI and MRA determined basic, necessary for the successful operation parameters of meningiomas of the posterior fossa with parastvolovym growth. The method of tumor removal with the use of video endoscopy allowed to achieve radical surgery, to reduce the extent of brain trauma and surgical complications, reduce the time of operation. The use of advanced minimally invasive surgical approaches can dramatically remove the tumor without the trauma of the brain stem. Intraoperative EEG monitoring the functional activity of the brain stem has reduced mortality by preventing vital intraoperative complications.
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