Nitrogen oxide as the factor initiating and keeping development of inflammation in parodonta fabrics at patients with the chronic generalized periodontitis, severity level I-II in combination with parasitosis
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chronic generalized periodontitis
nitric oxide

How to Cite

Saveleva, N. (2020). Nitrogen oxide as the factor initiating and keeping development of inflammation in parodonta fabrics at patients with the chronic generalized periodontitis, severity level I-II in combination with parasitosis . Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 69(4), 151-153. Retrieved from


It is established that in a blood of patients with a chronic generalized periodontal disease from parazitoza (giardiasis, enterobiasis, toxocarosis) both at the I severity of a disease and at the II severity raised the content of nitrogen oxide. At patients with a СGP disease without parazitoz the reliable augmentation of concentration nitrogen oxide in blood serum became perceptible only at the II severity of a disease. The obtained data testify that at patients with a chronic generalized periodontal disease from parazitoza already at early stages of inflammatory process nitrogen oxide acts as an important pro-inflammatory factor whereas at patients with a CGP disease without parazitoz joins in inflammatory process of NO at the II severity of a disease. Definition of the content of nitrogen oxide allows to estimate efficiency of therapy, to prognosticate the course of a disease.
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