Treatment of large and giant vestibular schwannomas and its results
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vestibular schwannomas
surgery treatment
stereotactic radiosurgery

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Verbova, L., Gudkov, V., Onishchenko, P., Fedirko, V., Lisyany, A., Tsyurupa, D., Chuvashova, O., Gryazov, A., Zemskova, O., Kruchok, I., Skobskaya, O., Kiseleva, I., & Malysheva, T. (2020). Treatment of large and giant vestibular schwannomas and its results. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 69(4), 110-118. Retrieved from


The results of treatment of 104 patients with large (30–40 mm) and giant (40 mm) vestibular schwannomas were analyzed. The primary tumors were seen in 89 patients, residual and reccurrence tumors – 15 cases. Stereotactic radiosurgery was used in 15 patients with subtotal and partial removal of tumor, and radiotherapy was done in one patient with repeated partial removal. Mortality rate was 2.88% (2 patients after primary surgery and one patient after reoperation). The main reasons of the death were disgemic disorders in the brainstem. Dysfunction of cranial nerves was increased after surgery. Following radiosurgery the tumor grouth control was achieved in 92% of patients. Surgery was done in 104 patients with large and giant vestibular schwannomas (100%), combined treatment – in 15 patients (14.4%). The total resection of tumors was possible in 18 patients (17.3%), subtotal – in 42 patients (40.4%), partial removal – in 44 patients (42.3%). Combined treatment may be employed as treatment strategies for incomplete removal of large, and giant vestibulas schwannomas for the preservation of facial nerve.
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