Influence of complex treatment using immunomodulators on phagocytic activity of cells of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis I-II severity with enterobioze
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chronic generalized periodontitis
humoral immunity

How to Cite

Savel’eva, N. (2020). Influence of complex treatment using immunomodulators on phagocytic activity of cells of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis I-II severity with enterobioze. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 156-160. Retrieved from


The article presents the results of studying the effect of combined therapy with the use of immunomodulators on systemic humoral immunity in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis I-II degrees of severity in the background enterobiosis. It was found that the proposed therapy has a significant normalizing effect on the activity of the humoral immunity, is more effective than conventional treatment, еtiopathogenesis sound and contributes to the rapid recovery of patients.
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