The article presents the clinical and laboratory data of the two fatal cases. In one of them developed acute respiratory distress syndrome on the background of the influenza A (H1N1) pdm09, in the other – community-acquired pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumonia. There is detailed description of the clinical manifestations of disease. There was described pathologic changes mainly in the lungs. In a comparative perspective the characteristic morphological changes in the lung tissue in the community-acquired pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumonia and ARDS caused by. Clinical and pathologic analysis of fatal outcomes, the analysis of the criteria of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and indicators characterizing leukocyte index of intoxication while in the intensive care unit patients were made. Both patients significantly increased leukocyte intoxication index, the index of resistance of the body is reduced to a greater extent with the flu, and the reactive response of neutrophils – pneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumonia. Adverse prognostic clinical and laboratory factors was marked.References
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