Place of micropercutaneous laser endopyelotomy in patients with hydronephrosis due to recurrent stricture of uretero-pelvic junction
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laser micropercutaneous nephrolithotripsy
percutaneous nephrolithotripsy
retroperitoneal endovideocopic pyelolithotomy
recurrent course

How to Cite

Savenkov, V., Shchukin, D., Levchenko, D., & Savenkov, A. (2020). Place of micropercutaneous laser endopyelotomy in patients with hydronephrosis due to recurrent stricture of uretero-pelvic junction. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 133-137. Retrieved from


The place of the new method of laser micropercutaneous nephrolithotripsy in patients with recurrent course of hydronephrosis due to strictures of uretero-pelvic junction, including the presence of concomitant renal calculi has been determined. It has been revealed that the present method is less traumatic than the conventional percutaneous endopyelotomy and significantly better than open access pyeloplasty in terms of perioperative period parameters. Micropercutaneous laser nephrolithotripsy reduces roentgen expose intensity as for the surgical team and the patient, ensuring less cosmetic defects. Evaluating long-term results has proved the therapeutic effectiveness of the method as high.
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