Brain injury and regeneration model of serotoninergic tracts in culture
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organotypic slices culture
raphe serotonergic neurons
Nkx 2.2
Lmx 1b
Pet 1
Tph 1
Tph 2

How to Cite

Vasileva, I., N.G. СhopicN. С., Oleksenko, N., Shuba, I., Tsybko, O., Galanta, E., & Snitsar , N. (2020). Brain injury and regeneration model of serotoninergic tracts in culture. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 112-119. Retrieved from


The complicated secondary molecular and cellular mechanisms, follow traumatic brain injury, and role of gene pathways expression in the nerve tissue regeneration are still not fully understood. Interaction between brain structures and abnormal blood cells presence complicate the prediction of aftermaths.
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