Interrelation of membranous pathology and complications of the gestational period at pregnant women with an autoimmune thyroiditis
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plasmatic membranes
fetoplacental failure
autoimmune thyroiditis

How to Cite

Mielikova, T. (2020). Interrelation of membranous pathology and complications of the gestational period at pregnant women with an autoimmune thyroiditis. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 96-100. Retrieved from


67 pregnant women with AIT with the diagnosis an euthyroidism, a hyperthyroidism as form the AIT and hypothyrosis as AIT outcome. The control group was made by 26 healthy women. Indexes of lipide exchange studied: cholesterin level, lipoproteins of high density, lipoproteins of the low densit, lipoproteins of very low density. It was showed that at pregnant women with a hyperthyroidism tension, and at surveyed with a hypothyrosis – an overvoltage and in certain cases (2,3%) exhaustion of reserves of the studied AOS link takes place adaptive. Found out that pregnancy against the background of AIT is followed by a dislipidemiya of atherogenous character with activation of processes of a lipide peroksidation, and also violations in the AOS that leads to decrease in an adaptive possibility of an organism, emergence of complications of obstetric and perinatal character.
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