Clinical and laboratory evaluation activity endometrial hyperplasiai
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endomertiya hyperplasia
blood hormones
aromatase activity

How to Cite

Kuzmina, I., Safargalina-Kornilova, N., Kuzmina, O., Kornilova, N., & Zhulikova, M. (2020). Clinical and laboratory evaluation activity endometrial hyperplasiai. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 91-95. Retrieved from


The study of 90 women with histologically diagnosed hyperplasia endometrium in age from 42 to 48 years, who were divided into two clinical groups: 1 – group 53 patients with glandular hyperplasia endometrium; 2 – 37 women with endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia. The control group consisted of 20 healthy women. Studied the reaction of sex steroid hormones and gonadotropins to receiving the aromatase inhibitor letrozole found that oral administration of the aromatase inhibitor letrozole causes a natural decline in estradiol and adequate increase of gonadotropin in the blood. In excess aromatase activity ratio greater than 10, you should recommend more in-depth study of the endometrium. The method of clinical and laboratory evaluation of aromatase activity in women with hyperplasia endometrium can be implemented as a marker for determining the severity of the pathological process.
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