Features of clinical and laboratory and immunologic manifestations in patients with the syndrome of «dry eye» on the background of toxocariasis
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parasitic infestations
cellular and humoral immunity
the number of T- and B- lymphocytes and their fractions
total A, М, G immunoglobulins percentage

How to Cite

BodnyaК., & Al Khatib Anuar, A. K. A. (2020). Features of clinical and laboratory and immunologic manifestations in patients with the syndrome of «dry eye» on the background of toxocariasis. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 84-90. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/593


Modern views on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of the «dry eye» syndrome have been studied. Some features of «dry eye» syndrome clinical and laboratory course have been shown. The conducted therapy renders a normalize influence on the immune system, accelerating renewal of quantitative indexes and functional activity of lymphocyte, promotes immunoreactivity of organism. At 80,0 % patients complete convalescence came after the leadthrough of the first course of holiatry.
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