The dynamics of changes in the ultrastructural organization myosymplasts in the soft tissues in the presence of metallic foreign body origin of fire
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electron microscopy
soft tissue
a gunshot wound
a foreign body

How to Cite

Zamyatin, P., Negoduyko, V., & Nevzorov, V. (2020). The dynamics of changes in the ultrastructural organization myosymplasts in the soft tissues in the presence of metallic foreign body origin of fire. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 74(1), 103-108. Retrieved from


The results of the study of the electronic microscopy of soft tissues in dynamics in the presence of non-deleted a foreign body of fire origin. It proved the presence of dystrophic processes at the level of intracellular structures on the 30th day after the injury and severity of destructive depression violations on the 60th day after the injury. The leading link of the pathological state myosymplasts is mitochondrial dysfunction, which leads to a decrease in contractile capacity myosymplast.
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