Prophylaxis of aftersurgery complications in women with inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs and ovarian cysts
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adhesive process
rehabilitation therapy
enzymatic agents

How to Cite

Demidenko, A., Demidenko, D., Huz, I., & Hnatenko, O. (2020). Prophylaxis of aftersurgery complications in women with inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs and ovarian cysts. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 74(1), 77-80. Retrieved from


66 women, who had infertility caused by inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs and ovarian cysts, have received laparoscopic treatment and have had following rehabilitation. It was stated that complex treatment with inclusion of an enzymatic agent containing streptokinase and streptodornase have significant positive therapeutical effect on course of aftersurgery period in women with tubal obstructions, chronical inflammatory processes in pelvic organs and adhesive processes in pelvis. The developed complex of rehabilitation measures promotes increase in efficiency of prophylaxis of adhesive processes after endoscopic surgeries and increase of pregnancy occurrence.
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