Etiology of pyoinflammatory diseases in children with broncho-pulmonary pathology
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purulent inflammatory diseases of the lung
acute bronchitis
opportunistic bacteria

How to Cite

Isaeva, G., Minuchin, V., Gonchar, M., Logvinova, O., & Basuk, M. (2020). Etiology of pyoinflammatory diseases in children with broncho-pulmonary pathology. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 20-22. Retrieved from


From 93 children with broncho-pulmonary disease were isolated 206 strains of microorganisms. It was proved that the majority of isolated microorganisms were attributed to bacteria (81%). In children with lung pathology the most common cause of purulent diseases were K. pneumoniae (43,08 %), P. aeruginosa (41,54 %), S. haemoliticus (21,78 %) and S. pneumoniae (18,81 %).
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