It was evaluated the changes of oocyte meiotic maturation (metaphase I and metaphase II) and viability of the follicular cells surrounding the oocyte in conditions of experimental immune failure and treatment of HS and L-norvaline. It has been observed that BSA immunization and treatment of 1) 4-HQ, as well as HS, improve oocyte meiotic maturation both metaphase I and metaphase II in, respectively, 1.2 and 1.4 (4-HQ) times and in, respectively, 1.1 and 1.4 (HS) times comparied with values in the BSA immunization group; 2) L-norvaline+HS lead to inhibition of oocyte meiotic maturation at metaphase in 1.1 times comparied with values in the group of BSA immunization+HS. It was shown that BSA immunization and treatment of 1) 4-HQ did not significantly affect follicular cells surrounding the oocyte viability; 2) HS reduce cell death of follicular cells surrounding the oocyte, namely the number of living cells increases and the number of cells with the morphological features of apoptosis reduces in, respectively, 1.2 and 3.5-times compared with the values of the BSA immunization group; 3) L-norvaline+HS increase the number of cells with morphological signs of necrosis in 2.3 times compared with the values of the BSA immunization group.References
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