Influence of placental cryoextract of various animal species on composition of peripheral blood in acite renal failure
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acute renal failure
placental cryoextract
nephroprotective action
peripheral blood

How to Cite

Strona, V., Repin, N., Marchenko, L., Govorukha, T., & Vaskovych, A. (2020). Influence of placental cryoextract of various animal species on composition of peripheral blood in acite renal failure. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 21-25. Retrieved from


The results of research experimental studies of the changes in indices of peripheral blood of the rats with acute renal failure on the background of using the placental cryoextract of allogenic and xenogenic origins. It is supposed that introduction of placentar cryoextract prior to acute renal failure development will render a nephroprotective effect on the disease course.
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