Psychogygenic characteristic of the lifestyle and the psychoemotical state of the blind adolescents
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blind adolescents
visually impaired
psychoemotional state
vital activity
visual defects

How to Cite

Korobchanskiy, V., Sasina, O., & Zahoruiko, O. (2020). Psychogygenic characteristic of the lifestyle and the psychoemotical state of the blind adolescents. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 139-142. Retrieved from


Vision has a great importance not only in the development of visual perception, but also in the development of visual-spatial representations, especially in the learning process. Violation of the visual analyzer affects the development of the psychoemotional sphere of students, and leads to difficulties in understanding the world around them, restricts orientation in space, social relations and significantly limits the choice of activities. All this lead to the changes in the vital activity of such students. That why we held a study of some aspects of the functional state and conditions of life of the Kharkov special educational and training complex named after V.G. Korolenko students.
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