Features of laboratory diagnostics at patients with chronic kidney disease who underwent related kidney transplantation at the normal postoperative period
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chronic kidney disease
related kidney transplantation
posttransplant period
laboratory diagnostics

How to Cite

Lisoviy, V., Andonieva, N., Kolupaieva, L., Zhelieznikova, M., Lisova, H., & Kolupaiev, S. (2020). Features of laboratory diagnostics at patients with chronic kidney disease who underwent related kidney transplantation at the normal postoperative period. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 114-121. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/387


Clinical and laboratory indicators of 15 recipients of a renal transplant with the normal course of the postoperative period were studied to assess the relationship between hematological parameters, chemico-microscopic parameters of urine, and the characteristics of the biochemical composition of serum. It has been established that the characteristic features of the early posttransplant period are neutrophilia leukocytosis, which is replaced by mild lymphocytosis, as well as transient increase in serum ALAT concentration. The changes in biochemical parameters of blood serum is a gradual decrease in the levels of urea, creatinine and potassium with their full normalization on the 21st day of the post-transplant period
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