Clinical and ethiological assessment of adolescent girls with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty
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adolescent girls
abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty period

How to Cite

Novikova, A. (2020). Clinical and ethiological assessment of adolescent girls with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 108-113. Retrieved from


It was examined of 52 girls aged 11-17 with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty. The study implied assessment of presentation and clinical course of the disease, taking into account its relapses, detection of extragenital abnormalities, estimation of gynecological and hormonal status, the course of pregnancy and childbirth in mother. Psycho-emotional state of adolescents with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty was assessed by social adaptation scale (T.H. Holmes, R.H. Rache) and the Spielberg–Khanin questionnaire. The patients underwent ultrasound examination of internal genital organs. It was shown that the etiological factors of abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty include the presence of an adverse perinatal period and premorbid background, extragenital pathology, stress, as well as hereditary predisposition to menstrual function impairment. Patients with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty are typically found to have a disruption of psycho-emotional status indices. High levels of stress in adolescent girls with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty can cause menstrual dysfunction during the period of physiological instability of the reproductive function. Ultrasound examination in adolescent girls with abnormal uterine bleeding of puberty has shown that hyperplastic processes of endometrium are significantly more common in comparison with healthy adolescents.
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