Cognitive and emotional disturbances of patients with type II diabetes mellitus
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type II diabetes mellitus
cognitive disorders
emotional disorders

How to Cite

Kondratenko , A. (2020). Cognitive and emotional disturbances of patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 89(4), 49-52.


At all stages of development of somatic disease, one of the most significant factors influencing the clinical picture and the nature of the disease is the mental state of the patient. It is known that the basis of psychosomatic disorders, which include type II diabetes, are emotional disorders that adversely affect psychosomatic pathology and can not only provoke its occurrence, but also lead to recurrence of psychosomatic disease. A comprehensive clinical, psychopathological and psychodiagnostic examination of 82 patients with moderate type 2 diabetes mellitus (46 women and 36 men) aged (35.9±10.1) years was perfomed, in compliance with the principles of bioethics and deontology. The study of cognitive functions by Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) revealed mild (51.2%) or moderate (49.8%) cognitive impairment in examined patients, on average in the group examined the overall score by the MMSE Scale was (25.2±0.2) points. The conducted psychodiagnostic study showed an increase in the level of situational [(55.7±6.1) points] and personal anxiety [(54.5±6.4) points] by the Spielberger-Khanin Scale. 65.8% of the examined patients had a mild episode, 11.5% had a moderate depressive episode, and 56.1% of the examined patients had a mild, 40.3% moderate anxiety episode by the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. The examined patients are characterized by a high level of emotional stress, anxiety, asthenic symptom complex and hypochondriac manifestations.

Keywords: type II diabetes mellitus, cognitive disorders, emotional disorders, anxiety.
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