The status of hemostasis system in patients with thrombophilia and unsuccessful extracorporal fertilization attempts in the anamnesis
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hemostasis system
in vitro fertilization

How to Cite

Tarawneh, D. (2020). The status of hemostasis system in patients with thrombophilia and unsuccessful extracorporal fertilization attempts in the anamnesis. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 202-206. Retrieved from


The state of the hemostasis system in 62 women with thrombophilia studied. Women with unsuccessful extracorporal fertilization attempts in anamnesis and tubo-peritoneal factor of infertility, compose the main group. The control group consisted of 30 healthy women. The results of study showed that women with thrombophilia and unsuccessful IVF attempts in anamnesis had abnormal activation of the hemostatic system, which plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of unsuccessful IVF attempts. At the same time thrombophilia leads to development of subclinical chronic blood disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DICS), the leading element in the development is the activation of platelet-vascular hemostasis with subsequent involvement in the process of coagulation potential caused by a decrease in blood anticoagulation system.

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