Effect of selective blockers opioid κ-receptor norbinaltorfimina on immunohistochemical changing spleen during acute inflammation
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the immune system
opioid peptides

How to Cite

Sulhdost, I. (2020). Effect of selective blockers opioid κ-receptor norbinaltorfimina on immunohistochemical changing spleen during acute inflammation. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 200-201. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/700


The morphofunctional state of the spleen in the model of carrageenan-induced acute aseptic inflammation with using a selective blocker of opioid norbinaltorfimine κ-receptors was studied. The strengthened cellular and weakened humoral immune responses  reduced helper and suppressor activity even more was shown. The results indicate that under in vivo inflammation opioid peptides  through κ-receptors limit the   functional activity of the spleen, migration B- and T-lymphocytes, decrease cellular but increase humoral immune responses, enhance the helper activity and the suppressor activity even more.

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