Studied the metabolic state of the cell membranes of hepatocytes in a subacute subtoxic influence on the body of warm-blooded animals of laproxide L-303 in 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000 DL50. It was found that the laproxide L-303 in 1/100 DL50 activates redox processes in hepatocytes, which are accompanied by the generation of active oxygen forms in mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain electron and proton transfer which can be accompanied by increased free radical processes and lipid peroxidation. In a much larger dose, 1/10 DL50 laproxide inhibits bioenergy, synthetic processes and neutralization of foreign chemicals. Complex assessment the structural and metabolic status of plasmatic, mitochondrial and microsomal membranes shows the development of the membrane pathology, which is accompanied by numerous violations of the metabolic processes and the development of hypoxic conditions, that is the basis of structural cell disorders. The 1/1000 DL50 laproxide L-303 does not influence on the structural and functional state of the plasmatic, mitochondrial and microsomal membranes.
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