Assessment of contamination of the target purpose grounds with oil products (by the example of Dnipropetrovs’k)
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oil products
contamination of city areas

How to Cite

ShevchenkoО., & KulahinО. (2020). Assessment of contamination of the target purpose grounds with oil products (by the example of Dnipropetrovs’k). Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 228-231. Retrieved from


Actual contamination of the grounds of target purpose with OP in the limits of separate zones of the city was studied. Mass portion of OP in the ground was defined by gravimetric method with extraction of organic substances with chloroform. Defining of disel fuel and gasoline on the day 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 was carried out in laboratory experiment using low humus black earth as a model. It has been defined that content of products in all samples of natural grounds or grounds restored to natural state in the zones  of the city made up < 20 mg/kg (did not reach sensitivity of the method). While studying and assessing actual contamination of the territories of residential areas with OP, type of grounds of functional zones and  significantly more stability of disel fuel in the ground as compared with gasoline should be considered.

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