Nosotropic ground of improvement of modern diagnostics of loss of blood
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factor of Vilenbrand’s
acute bleeding

How to Cite

Savitskij, I., Rusnak, S., Nagovitsyn, O., Kuzmenko, I., Mjastkivska, I., & SvirskyjО. (2020). Nosotropic ground of improvement of modern diagnostics of loss of blood. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 166-170. Retrieved from


The experimental and clinical conditions were studied methods for determining the volume of blood loss, namely their objectivity. Today, the most widely used in clinical practice is definable methods (for Algover, Moreau, against hematocrit at Libov et al.). Travmatic model has been replicated in experimental conditions. The level of blood loss, according to formulary methods did not meet the level of actual blood loss at different stages in the range of -11.1 to +41.2%. In a clinical study examined 12 patients with peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic and unspecified bleeding (26.4 K). It was obtained conclusion that formulaic calculation methods were not informative in the 7.8 to 38.5% of the patients. Moreover, during the 12.00 infusion therapy increased the number of patients in the group with subcompensated hemorrhagic shock from 53.8 to 69.2%. And at discharge of patients in 46.1% of patients were not stabilized hematology. Current strategy, which is used in the clinic, does not meet the diagnostic needs of framework for acute bleeding, because they are based on pathophysiological haematological indices. We offer in the future to base diagnostic tactics pathophysiological grounded on quantitative changes of blood coagulation

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