Structural changes in liver tissue of rats with chronic toxic hepatitis and correction by lisinopril
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chronic toxic hepatitis
morphological changes in the liver

How to Cite

Rikalo, N., & Beregovenko , Y. (2020). Structural changes in liver tissue of rats with chronic toxic hepatitis and correction by lisinopril. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 151-155. Retrieved from


The article presents the structural changes of the liver tissue of rats with chronic toxic hepatitis and correction by lisinopril. Experimental studies conducted on 34 white laboratory immature rats with an initial body weight 50–70 g. chronic toxic hepatitis was modelling by intragastric administration of 0,1 ml/100 g weight CCl4 oil solution twice a week for 8 weeks. Lisinopril at a dose of 20 mg/kg was introduced into the stomach simultaneously with hepatotoxin daily. The results presents that liver damage by oil solution CCl4 characterized by the development of toxic dystrophy, manifested coagulation zonal necrosis of hepatocytes. Lisinopril has mainly protective effect on hepatocytes, shown smaller manifestations of dystrophic-necrotic changes in cells

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