Babesial ontogenesis and it’s influence to pathogenesis scenario of the babesiosis infection
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babesiosis infection
blood smears

How to Cite

Pokhyl, S., TorianykІ., Tymchenko, O., Chygyrynska, N., Kostyria, I., & Kruglova , T. (2020). Babesial ontogenesis and it’s influence to pathogenesis scenario of the babesiosis infection. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 147-150. Retrieved from


In the article presents the information about the creation of ontogenesis influence to pathogenesis scenario of the babesiosis infection. The experimental studying and observation was carried out on three- seventh week old male and female nonlinear white mouse with the babesiosis. Another groups was formed with the agricultural and domestic animals (cattle, horsts, dogs). Individual independent group was completed with sick person. Influence of the parasite circle development to duration of clinical course, character of disease, symptoms, blood parameters on smear (dispersion level of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, chromatic parameters, quantity of leucocytes and lymphocytes) has been studied on phylogenesis. It was revealed that a pathogenic stratagem of babesiosis is defined аbsolutly of parasitic ontogenesis
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