Dynamics of the morphofunctional changes of the offspring-rats’ pancreases resulting from an action of the unbalanced feeding
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hyper- and hypocaloric diet
morphology and function of pancreas

How to Cite

Nikolayeva, O., Pavlova, O., Sirenko, V., Kovaltsova, M., & Sulhdost, I. (2020). Dynamics of the morphofunctional changes of the offspring-rats’ pancreases resulting from an action of the unbalanced feeding. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 138-142. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/680


The pancreas of offspring-rats’ that was born rats treated with unbalanced feeding revealed morphological changes: increased parenchymal area, acini and islets of Langerhans from babe-rats’ was born of pregnant rats treated with hypercaloric diet; reduced parenchymal area, acini and islets of Langerhans from babe-rats’ was born of pregnant rats treated with hypocaloric diet; the offspring-rats’ all groups have immaturity parenchymal area, edema, fibrosis and lipomatosis stroma, its inflammatory infiltration, degenerative changes in the nuclei and cytoplasm exocrine and endocrine cells; young rats also presented pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines imbalance with marker cytokine Th1-lymphocytes (interleukin-12) domination. Such morphological changes of the pancreas of animals suggest that unbalanced feeding in pregnant rats is a significant risk factor for chronic diseases of the pancreas in their rats-progeny
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