Pathogenetic and morphological aspects of endothelial disfunction at the physical loadings of different intensity
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physical loading
endothelial disfunction
femoral artery

How to Cite

Kreminska, I., Zaiats, L., Gerasymchuk, M., Fedorchenko, Y., Yodoslavska, N., & Sikomas, M. (2020). Pathogenetic and morphological aspects of endothelial disfunction at the physical loadings of different intensity. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 119-122. Retrieved from


Set that the physical loadings of high intensity were accompanied development of the expressed endothelial disfunction, that shows up the аtherogenic damage of femoral arteries. The use of the physical loadings of moderate intensity characterized antiatherogenic changes the serum of blood of animals and maintainance of normal structure of wall of femoral artery.
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