Influence of magnetic storms on the content of antibodies to non-specific lipids in the patients with neurological consequences of closed craniocerebral injury
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geomagnetic field
magnetic storm
autoimmune reaction
closed craniocerebral injury

How to Cite

КоrshnyakV., GozhenkoА., & Nasibullin, B. (2020). Influence of magnetic storms on the content of antibodies to non-specific lipids in the patients with neurological consequences of closed craniocerebral injury. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 111-113. Retrieved from


70 patients with neurological consequences of closed craniocerebral injury have been examined. It has been revealed that under influence of changed parameters of geomagnetic field (GMF) caused by magnetic storms the content of antibodies to GMF non-specific lipids MBP, GFAP and 3G-9-D6 increases. Changes of GMF parameters did not influence on the content of antibodies to S-100 lipids. The Authors suppose that changes of GMF parameters, as main exogenic driver of vital activity processes, determine the intensity of autoimmune reactions. As presence and intensity of autoimmune reactions influence on the damage of brain substance in the patients with closed craniocerebral injury the Authors believe that magnetic storms changing GMF’s parameters may be considered as pathogenic factors of this anguish.
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