Methodological features of teaching pathological physiology to the students of stomatology faculty
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integrative approach

How to Cite

Koldunov, V., Bibikova, V., Tereschenko, N., & Anisimova, O. (2020). Methodological features of teaching pathological physiology to the students of stomatology faculty. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 104-106. Retrieved from


The main task of the teaching process is to form knowledge, skills and abilities that provide in future certain professional competence. Improving the efficiency of the studying process, speaking about pathological physiology, is directly linked with the using of the new complex approaches to study the subject. Working with the students from the faculty of dentistry it is necessary to follow the following approaches: to increase the level of students motivation, to encourage the assimilation of the specific terminology (language competence), to implement the integrative approach to the study of subject.
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