Scientific rationale of measures on prevention of pollution of surface water bodies in Kharkiv region

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Lytvynenko, M., Zaliubovska, O., Shcherban, M., Tiupka, T., Zlenko, V., & Avidzba, Y. (2020). Scientific rationale of measures on prevention of pollution of surface water bodies in Kharkiv region. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 82(1), 99-105.


Today, in Kharkiv region, most of the surface water bodies as a result of man-made and anthropogenic loading have lost their natural purity and the ability to self-purify. One of the features of water resources of the region is that the rivers, which serve as the main sources of water supply, are also used as receivers of treated wastewater. In order to analyze the state of pollution of the aquifer of Kharkiv region during 2007–2016, laboratory studies of water of surface water reservoirs of the 1st and 2nd categories were conducted and summarized. The researchers have found that over the past 10 years the pollution of surface water bodies of the 1st category according to sanitary-chemical indicators is at the level of 4.5%, microbiological indicators – 14%, water pollution of reservoirs of the 2nd category is 20% and 12%, respectively. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases of different etiology among the population of Kharkiv region, the source of which is the water factor, a set of methodical and practical measures that will contribute to the improvement of the surface water of the region has been developed


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