Analysis of indexes of citokin whey of blood at parodontite for patients with diabetes mellitus
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diabetes mellitus
IL-10 in serum

How to Cite

GolitsynaА., Yugaj, Y., Markelova, E., & Romanchuk, A. (2020). Analysis of indexes of citokin whey of blood at parodontite for patients with diabetes mellitus. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 56-59. Retrieved from


Presented results of research of citokiniv of TNF-α, INF-?, IL-10, IL-17 for patients at parodontits, with violation of carbohydrate exchange (diabetes mellitus of 2th tipe) and without him. An inspection is conducted 65 patients. A control group was made by healthy volunteers in an amount 20 persons. Is the reliable system increase levels of IL-17 set, INF-? and decline of IL-10 for the patients of 1st and 2nd groups by comparison to control. Found out the reliable increase of TNF-α and relative decline of INF-? for patients with violations of carbohydrate exchange.
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