In 82 male Wistar albino rats, in the experiment was HP modeled due to moderate physical activity (MPA) conditionson exposure. We performed detailed analysis of the structural components of the TG and proved an endogenous intoxication (EI) state development by determining the average of middle molecular weight peptides (MMWP) and lactate (LT). Investigated morphological and biochemical signs suggest lowering the secretory function of the TG in experimental HP by inhibiting the ability of synthesizing and transport thyroid cells, resulting in decreased production of thyroid hormones. It was found in animals with hypothyroidism, MMWP level in the blood increased by 19,44%, in the liver to 16,63%, while LT – 6,8 times. In case of experimental HP combined with MPA, elevation of endotoxemia was slower and at a much lower level. This indicates that in case of hypothyroidism, a state of EI is developed due to the intensification of the processes of formation of MMWP and LT. MPA proved to have a positive effect, resulting in a decrease of symptoms expressing HP.References
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