Influence of the polyetiological experimental conditions on the lungs functional status
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critical condition
acute pancreatitis
acute renal failure
diabetes mellitus

How to Cite

Gerasymchuk, M., Zaiats, L., Cherkasova, V., & Klishch, I. (2020). Influence of the polyetiological experimental conditions on the lungs functional status . Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 71(2), 44-48. Retrieved from


The study was carried out on 164 white male rats (180–230 g), and were modeled critical conditions (CC): acute diffuse peritonitis (ADP), acute pancreatitis (AP), acute renal failure (ARF) and diabetes mellitus (DM). We determined the rate of pulmonary regulation by leukocytes in percentage (CLRl) in venous and arterial blood, which is taken from the left and right ventricles of the heart. To evaluate the pulmonary edema development we used Wet/Dry index, which increased in case of accumulation of extravascular fluid in the lungs, blood volume, or both. We found that in terms of critical experimental conditions such as ADP, AP, ARF and DM observed increased activity of leukocytes and their use, particularly in the respiratory organs. CLRl steadily increased in experimental groups throughout the study, despite significant fluctuations in the number of white blood cells, indicating elevated levels of leukocyte sequestration in the lungs. It was proved in parallel progressive development of respiratory damage, which manifested an increasing swelling and exudative phenomena, which was confirmed by the significant changes Wet/Dry index.
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