In order to identify experimentally metabolic and morphological signs of decay instability in offspring. It were studied the content of total protein, Ca, Mg in the blood of descendants of females who were one month before mating and during pregnancy in hypokinesia conditions, as well as the content of Ca, Mg in the dental hard tissues. On gross examination the frequency of carious affection was determined. Using computer images of microspeciements, determine the amount of RNA in the cytoplasm and the intensity of the luminescence of type I collagen in dentin of teeth in rats-offspring were made. It is found that the hypokinesia of females led to reduced concentrations of calcium, magnesium, total proteins in the serum of offspring in comparison with the levels of the control group. Deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the blood leads to the reduction of enamel mineralization in young rats in comparison to control group. It was noted the number of dentinal tubules is decreased and a wider lumen of the tubules are formed. In the young descendants on the background of dentinal tubules and odontoblasts hypoplasia a compensatory increase in RNA content in the cytoplasm of the odontoblast processes and in the average content of collagen in the walls of the dentinal tubules are observed. Hypoplastic dentin, hard tissue desaturation of Ca and Mg explains susceptibility to caries in experimental animals.References
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