Of the 80 patients with psoriasis in 40 men preceded the disease relapses and various infectious factors in 40 women – psycho-emotional factors. When testing marked anxiety and depression and decreased quality of life, especially in women. They also noted an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system with a predominance of sympathetic influences the growth of levels of cortisol and ACTH, TSH reduction. At the same time men marked increase in the level of TNF-α, CD16+, CD19+, CD25+, CD95+, CD3+ reduction by CD4+, as well as the index of CD4+ / CD8+. Patients with psoriasis men in addition to conventional therapy recommended antibiotics, immunomodulators, vitamin C, itraconazole, women - tiotriozalin, miaser, atarax, temperature-myographic training using hardware and software complex "BOSLAB Professional Plus." Noted the favorable short- and long-term clinical and laboratory findings of differential treatment of men and women of our proposed method.References
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