Arterial hypertension and arrhythmia: structural-functional and electrophysiological cardiac remodeling
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arterial hypertension

How to Cite

Snegurskaya, I., Bozhko, V., Starchenko, T., Penkova, M., & Korneychuk, I. (2020). Arterial hypertension and arrhythmia: structural-functional and electrophysiological cardiac remodeling. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 69(4), 58-63. Retrieved from


The article presents some aspects of structural-functional and electrophysiological cardiac remodeling, leading to the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with arterial hypertension Awarded the role of genetic factors in the development of arrhythmias. However, cardiac haemodynamics that occur during an attack of arrhythmia may increase the pathological processes of cardiac remodeling in patients with arterial hypertension.
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