The article presents the results of studying of clinical course peculiarities of shigellosis in children infected with H. pylori. It was found that patients with H. pylori infection had some differences in severity of clinical manifestations in comparison with the control group patients: higher fever, more frequent complaints of nausea and abdominal distention, significantly greater number of episodes of vomiting; their stool was in most cases characterized by presence of pathological admixtures. The children infected with H. pylori more often had epigastric tenderness and pain tended to increase after meals. The following differences in duration of shigellosis among the study groups have been ascertained: the patients with background infection had long-lasting fever, vomiting, epigastric pain and asthenoneurotic manifestations together with presence of undigested food in feces; their appetite was normalized significantly later. Due to coprological examination, frank disorders of bowel function in children infected with H. pylori have been revealed.References
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