Features of functional state of endothelium in patients having parapelvical renal cysts aggravated with arterial hypertension
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How to Cite

Abdelrakhman Maisara, A. M., Lesovaya, A., & Andreyev , S. (2020). Features of functional state of endothelium in patients having parapelvical renal cysts aggravated with arterial hypertension. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 73(4), 127-132. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/607


This paper contains the results of the examination of 78 patients having symptomatic and asymptomatic parapelvical renal cysts. On the basis of the research of the parametres of endothelium-dependent vasodilation and separate humoral factors that are associated with the regulation of a vascular tone, the features of a functional state of endothelium and diagnostic criteria of a subclinical (prehypertensive) phase of desease development are determined.
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