Pathomorphologic changes of the liver of stillborn delivered by HIV-infected mothers with syndrome of alcoholic and drug addiction
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How to Cite

Skurchak, T., Lytvynenko, M., Sherstuk, S., & Buryachkovsky , E. (2020). Pathomorphologic changes of the liver of stillborn delivered by HIV-infected mothers with syndrome of alcoholic and drug addiction . Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 69(4), 32-35. Retrieved from


The aim to study the structural changes of the liver in 10 stillbirths from 10 HIV-infected mothers with the syndrome of dependence on alcohol and drugs were used histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Complex diagnostics of liver stillborn HIV-infected mothers has identified a variety of liver disease: vascular bed of the liver parenchyma, dyscirculatory and degenerative phenomena, the presence of opportunistic infections of HIV, diffuse fibrosis. It reflects both the hypoxic and toxic liver injury intrauterine stillborn (alcohol, drugs), and infection of the liver.
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