The article demonstrates an association between the rate and outcome of the regenerative process in case of piercing on the one hand and the inflammatory component expression in the area of ear clip application on the other hand, the above depending upon properties of the material used for their manufacture. The wound process after application of gold clips was characterized by the most favourable course with stable epithelization of the piercing channel and regeneration of the cartilage. In case of application of silver clips there was a delay of the wound process, absence of stable epithelialization and healing of the cartilaginous part of the wound. The wound process course in case of application of steel and titanium clips manifested itself with a prolonged exudative phase of inflammation, a poor macrophagal component and formation of the connective tissue hyperregenerate. These peculiarities of the wound process facilitated prolongation of the terms of healing, formation of deep and extensive wound defects and keloid scars.References
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