Clinical and metabolic effects and structural changes left ventricle and the common carotid arteries in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes in the dynamics of long-term combined therapy
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еssential hypertension
type 2 diabetes
combination therapy

How to Cite

Starchenko, T., Korniychuk, I., Koval, S., Iushko, K., Bozhko, V., & Cigankov, O. (2020). Clinical and metabolic effects and structural changes left ventricle and the common carotid arteries in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes in the dynamics of long-term combined therapy. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 74(1), 56-59. Retrieved from


The effects of long-term 12-month combination therapy on the clinical and metabolic parameters and parameters of cardiac and vascular remodeling in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes have been studied. The results of the study suggest that, given the different options long-term therapy, there were no progression of structural changes in the left ventricle of the heart and the common carotid arteries. Such data may be indicative of the effectiveness of proven options combination antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and antidiabetic drugs in patients with hypertension, occurring against a background of type 2 diabetes.
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