Changes of symphatoadrenal system functional status with insulin and retabolil in complex treatment in patients with tuberculosis/hiv
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sympathetic-adrenal system

How to Cite

Zaguta, Y. (2020). Changes of symphatoadrenal system functional status with insulin and retabolil in complex treatment in patients with tuberculosis/hiv. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 72(3), 74-78. Retrieved from


Patients with newly diagnosed TB associated with HIV were dividedinto 3 groups. Patients of group 1 (20 patients) received only antimycobacterial therapy, 2 groups (30) – antimycobacterial therapy with insulin, group 3 (31) – antimycobacterial therapy with retabolil. To evaluate the functional state of the adrenal medulla applied research excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the daily urine fluorometric method before treatment and 2 months later. The activity of the sympathoadrenal system prior to treatment in all patients was significantly increased. Patients of all groups after treatment there was a significant decrease in the tone of the adrenal level of sympathoadrenal system, the concentration of adrenaline in patients 2 groups close to the level of healthy people. By reducing the excretion of adrenaline there was a trend toward normalization factor sympathoadrenal dissociation in patients who received drugs anabolic action this figure the maximum change in the direction of normalization compared with the index before the treatment, and in group 2 reached the level of healthy subjects (p> 0, 05). Patients with TB/HIV, and in particular patients with a reduced body mass index, pathogenetically appropriate use of insulin or retabolil during the intensive phase of TB-treatment.
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