Comparative characteristics of methods of anesthesia during tonsillectomy
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general anesthesia
intravenous sedation
chronic decompensated tonsillitis

How to Cite

Szhuravlev, A., Shushlyapina, N., Svetlichnaya, Y., & Kolesnichenko, V. (2020). Comparative characteristics of methods of anesthesia during tonsillectomy. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 62-68. Retrieved from


60 people with chronic decompensated tonsillitis were operated and examined. The patients were divided into two groups: 30 patients underwent tonsillectomy with general anesthesia and 30 with the combined anesthesia. Сompared the intraoperative period and the evaluation of subjective and objective symptoms of postoperative period. Evaluated cortisol level in blood of patients before and after surgery. The advantage of tonsillectomy under endo tracheal anesthesia is the use of anendotracheal tube, which prevents the entering of blood to the respiratory tract. Adequate access using gag, no pharyngeal reflex, absolute control anesthetist of the patient's condition allow ssurgeon to performall the necessary manipulation of the operating area. The absence of pain during the intervention can save cortisol levels within the physiological norm that promotes faster tissue repair.
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