Dynamics of changes of cellular composition of the periphery of focus of inflammation in secondary chronic inflammation during treatment with glyukosaminilmuramildipeptid
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periphery of inflammatory focus
cellular composition

How to Cite

Shevchenko, A., & Bibichenko, V. (2020). Dynamics of changes of cellular composition of the periphery of focus of inflammation in secondary chronic inflammation during treatment with glyukosaminilmuramildipeptid. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 49-55. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/501


In experiments on rats it was shown that at the periphery of the inflammatory focus in the secondary chronic inflammation during treatment with glyukosaminilmuramildipeptid, less pronounced infiltration with neutrophils and eosinophils is observed, but much more with monocytes and lymphocytes. Plasmatization of lymphocytes are more expressed on the periphery of the inflammation focus. The reaction of the cells of connective tissue is also more pronounced at the periphery of the focus of inflammation. It has been established that glyukozaminilmuramildipeptid affects cell elements that take part in the inflammatory process as a whole.
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