Antenatal ultrasound monitoring and perinatal results in antepartum fetal distress
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fetal antepartum distres
perinatal acidosis

How to Cite

Safonova, I. (2020). Antenatal ultrasound monitoring and perinatal results in antepartum fetal distress. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 131-138. Retrieved from


The prospective cohort observational studyin 362 fetuses with antenatal ultrasound (US) and Doppler signs of placental disordres was performed. The study before birth included fetometry and calculation of fetal weight and Doppler velocimetry of umbilical artery (UA), middle cerebral artery (MCA) and ductus venosus (DV). Umbilical cord blood pH determination was performed immediately after birth. The high degree of association with acidemia at birth had a permanent UA end-diastolic flow, fetometry below the 10th percentile before 34 weeks combined with anhydramnios and an increase DV resistance as well aspermanent UA revers diastolic flow. In the studied cohorta high-resistant MCA flow ha dthe weak links with perinatal acidemiaas well as a low-resistant MCA flow which confirms the limitedvalue of isolated fetal MCA Doppler changes in detection of antepartum distress. Intermittent UA end-diastolic flow had indefinite prognostic value in the detection of perinatal academia. US features of a fetal cardiomegaly with right heart dilatation had the most pronounced links with an acidemia at birth and a stillbirth. The results of the study can be used for prenatal counseling and outcome forecasting in high perinatal risk pregnancy.
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