Peculiarites of brain fuctional activity in wilson’s disease in patients with differ-ent anthropomorphological characteristics
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Nikishkova, I., Kutikov, O., & Voloshyn-Gaponov , I. (2020). Peculiarites of brain fuctional activity in wilson’s disease in patients with differ-ent anthropomorphological characteristics. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 120-126. Retrieved from


The article is devoted to investigations of peculiarities of brain functional activity in Wilson’s disease in patients belonging to different physical anthropo-logical types (PAT). It was demonstrated that in Wilson’s disease in all patients, independently from PAT, decreased activity of talamocortical system was regis-tered. However, along with this, patients belonging to Atlantic-Baltic PAT dif-fered from healthy persons on powers and indices of slow-wave (0.5–7.0 Hz) and high-frequency (14– 40 Hz) rhythms of brain bioelectrical activity minimally as compared with other patients. Patients who belonged to Mediterranean PAT were characterized pre-dominantly by an increasing of contribution of brainstem structures to tonic in-fluence on the cortex (an enhanced power and paroxysmal manifestations of slow-wave activity), but patients belonging to Dinaric PAT were characterized by an enhancing of an activating reticular influence (enhanced powers and indices of high-frequency activity). In patients belonging to Mediterranean and Dinaric PATs prominent sings of interhemispheric disintegration (a high brain symmetry index) were founded, whereas in patients who belonged to Atlantic-Baltic PAT an average index of spectral power symmetry corresponded to normal values.
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