Socio-psychological determinants of medicamental compliance formation in continuous course of paranoid schizophrenia
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paranoid schizophrenia
medicamental compliance
person-specific and psycho-social factors

How to Cite

K.Yu. Zakal’, K. Z. (2020). Socio-psychological determinants of medicamental compliance formation in continuous course of paranoid schizophrenia. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 115-119. Retrieved from


In order to determine the person-specific and psycho-social factors of medicamental compliance formation in paranoid schizophrenia with continuous course there were analyzed characterologic features, capacity for psychosocial adjustment and specifics of life quality in patients with this form of schizophrenia who had the high and low levels of medicamental compliance. As a result of the study there were determined the specific factors of prognosis for formation of high and low level medicamental compliance in patients with continuous course of paranoid schizophrenia.
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